
Yachting in BC - Mazurek is a
Morgan North American 40
offshore-racer sailing from
Deep Bay, Vancouver Island

skype   freddyhutter

Port Alberni BC home phone:  778.421.0209

Deep Bay Harbour BC cell-phone:  519.535.4083

email me:  freddy@hutter.ca

this URL:  www.hutter.ca/yachting

mail:  #112 Deep Bay Marina, PO Box 191, Bowser BC V0R1G0

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working on it!
be patient eh!
thank, eh!

jump to 1st photo (1966) at page bottom
My newest 2017 pic's: (change YouTube settings to HD for crisper videos - try full-screen option)

santa fishing!

Dec 25, 2016:  Well that's something you don't see every day! We just left Port Alberni and there's Santa out fishing on Cameron Lake in Cathedral Grove.

bonny venture







Dec 17th:  After sunset we enjoyed a roast beef Christmas dinner at the local yacht club. Everyone came with appetizers, veggies & desserts to share. Evalina brought her famous tiramisu. During the feast all the members shared a favourite sailing story.

P.S. - We'd luv to join but DBYC is one of the few clubs in Canada which refuses to join our sport's governing bodies (BC Sailing & CYA) and so its members are barred from racing their craft in BC.

As an offshore racer, Mazurek has the club's deepest keel (over seven feet) and the tallest mast (50') - so we were encouraged to join in with the annual stringing of Christmas lights.

nite reflection

Dec 17th:  Because of the rare cold wave we still have lots of snow in Port Alberni. It was a big surprise to find the -11C temperature had frozen the ocean water around all the boats at our marina in Deep Bay. And made for good reflections!

trophy for volunteers
Nov 24th:  The yacht club presented this beautiful trophy to the "potluckers" at tonite's AGM.  I guess they liked our cabbage rolls!


correct link for 2nd sailing video

    correct link for sailing video
Nov 6th:  A gorgeous day of sailing turned into fun with the help of a bunch of sea lions. They played hide&seek with our boat for fifteen minutes.

clubhouse at Deep Bay
Oct 27th:  Attended an Oktoberfest potluck at the (floating) Deep Bay Yacht Club ... we took the cabbage rolls.


Oct 2nd:  Gabriola Island just past exciting whirlpools at Dodd Narrows and Nanaimo harbour.
leaving maple bay

helm at maple bay
Oct 2nd:  Starting out for an all day cruise from Maple Bay.  We agree Vancouver Island looks way better from the sea than the highway!
marina birdseye

birdseyecove floathomes

birds eye cove
Oct 1st:  Beautiful scenery, swans & floating homes.  And lots of good food and drinks at the Shipyard Restaurant.

morgan berthed at birds eye cove
Oct 1st:  We found a night berth in gorgeous Birds Eye Cove.  So this is "home sweet home" when we're cruising.
Oct 1st:  Leaving Sidney & passing a pit stop for birdies.
leaving sidney Sept 30th:  Larry and I heading out to test new GPS chart software so we don't get lost or wander into shallow water...

larry pic

Sept 21st:  We all went for a sail in Sidney.  To quote my friend Bill Hall, "would you rather have a view ... or be the view?"


  correct link for sailing race video

Sept 11th:  Watching sailboat races at Deep Bay.

happy evalina

barkely cruise

another cruise to ocean

Sept 13th:  Fran and Peter joined us for a cruise up our fjord (Barkley Sound) to the open waters of the Pacific.  Their sandwiches and cider and a bit of whale-watching made for a wonderful voyage.

white water

stamp falls bear chasing salmon

Sept 12th:  Headed up to Stamp Falls with Peter & Fran.  After four months of clear blue skies we're finally getting some rain for the local creeks and rivers.  The sockeye, coho and chinook are real happy ... so are the black bear!

precious eh

Aug 15th:  Finished this great day with a trip to Parksville beach to see the sandcastle festival.
snowbirds over b29

comox air show

Aug 15th:  Another air show. This time at the Comox Air Force Base. Lots of acrobatics, B-29, the Snowbirds & the F-18 in the sky and much more on the runways.



July 9th:  The Hawaii Martin Mars water bomber is stationed over the hill at Sproat Lake.  Quite a thrill when it buzzes our rooftops on practice water drops by the beach.


down the Alberni Inlet

my house on the hill...

July 4th:  Today we are cruising down the fjord. A good view of my Cameron Heights from the water.

another good ride...

July 1st:  Surprised my Mom with a 4,000' glider ride.

We have found this part of Vancouver Island has been very rich in antique, classic and sports cars for over 50 years. There is a Show-n-Shine or race virtually every weekend. Folks here really love their cars. I'm enjoying the Island highways in my (4th) Firebird.


June 28th:  As this exciting day continued, Fred & Evalina then surprised me with my first glider ride - - started by a tow to 4,000' and a memorable peaceful float that seemed to last forever...

view of cameron heights

view of the alberni valley

sproat lake

June 28th:  We all had an exciting day at the Alberni Valley Flying Club today. Enjoyed a Cessna tour of Sproat Lake, Port Alberni and even my subdivision (Cameron Heights) and Motion Drive.

harbour view March 23rd:  There is a new ship in the harbour every week - picking up old-growth logs and lumber. The pink blossoms line many streets in Port Alberni.
oops - came with heads


frosty wants our prawns

March 4th:  What is more delicious than jumbo spotted prawns just two hours out-of-the-ocean? Thanks to our new fisherman friends, we have been feasting well - our fjord also has dungeness crab, halibut, rock fish, cod & four kinds of salmon. Further out they get Fanny Bay oysters & octopus for us.


polar bears

Jan 1st 2015:  We zipped down to the beach to watch the brave ones in the local polar bear swim. 

my mountain view

Nov 23rd, 2014:  While the WeatherNetwork says this week there was lots of snow all across Canada and down to Texas and a big dump in Buffalo, we were raking leaves and cutting the grass. This morning the local peaks are white for the first time.


cathedral grove

Oct 13th:  Three days of driving and we're finally in the Alberni Valley on Vancouver Island. The whole trip the trees have been getting bigger ... from 12" trunks in the Yukon to these in Cathedral Grove on Hwy #4.

perfect spot

Oct 12th:  Lots of excitement with a bison herd blocking the highway last night. Today we have beautiful blue skies and my Mom found the perfect place for a picnic just south of Fort Nelson BC.

following freddy

Oct 11th:  There's been 8" of snow in the Yukon already but it's the last of the white stuff I'll be seeing for awhile. The U-Haul is packed and today we're heading down the Alaska Hwy back to Vancouver Island for the winter.


victoria quay

Sept 18th:  We're looking for a summer home in Port Alberni.

ferry to vancouver island

Sept 13th:  Sailing into the sunset with my mom, Theresa. We all flew to Vancouver and now we're on the ferry half-way to Vancouver Island. A reminder the 49th parallel is way nicer than the 60th!  Back home there's snow on the peaks and frost already.

supermoon & frosty


Sept 8th:  A pleasant evening on "supermoon" nite with Frosty at our home in Judas Creek Marina.


mr & mrs harper!

Aug 20th:  A common guest to the Yukon's Conservative Party summer BBQ is Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen. My mom, Theresa, was so pleased to chat with them.

solstice sunset

solstice midnite

June 21st:  This is Marsh Lake at midnite on solstice.  Blue sky and not a single star up there.  Sunset was at 11:30pm and sunrise will come at 3:30am and the birds will start singing!

With these twilight conditions, we cannot see Northern Lights, planets or stars from May to August.


April 14th:  Finally a hint of Spring here at Marsh Lake marina - open water and the first swans, duckies and nesting bald eagles.


March 3rd, 2014:  Because there's been no insulating snow since New Years Day, there's four feet of ice out there.  Set in almost constant high pressure cells, wind is rare, temp's can drop to -47C and usually lots of blue sky. Daytime high is usually around -17C, there's rarely thaws and so snow that falls in November is still around by Easter - usually 4' accumulation - mostly powder - can't make snowballs or snowman.

frosty ice coming

Nov 10th, 2013:  With the approval of the Vancouver Olympics, our waterfront cabin on Howe Sound fell victim to required widening of the Sea-to-Sky Hwy. A coincident opportunity in 2004 at the BC-Yukon border led to our relocating to a marina on Marsh Lake, Yukon. Quite short boating season ... frozen from Remembrance Day to Victoria Day.  Our Kuvasz, Frosty, is discovering ice for the first time...





Evalina and I left Ontario in 1999 to start a new chapter on BC's Whistler Corridor.  Racing the VARC regattas is serious stuff and I am grateful to Bill Hall (Carrera, C&C 33), Dr David Frewin (American Eagle, Saturna 35) & Bruce Winfield (True Gritts, C&C 30) for sharing their crafts in competitions around Metro Vancouver, English Bay, Georgia Strait, Howe Sound & over to Silva Bay off Vancouver Island.

CSY 44 in the British Virgins

The highlight of my sailing experiences has to be my working vacations in the beatiful British Virgin Islands, sailing with my good friend Bill Oliver in his CSY-44.

viking 28 - lake huron
My keelboat racing started in the early '70s - crewing a Viking-28 with Jamie Flowers & Don Coutts out of Bayfield, Lake Huron.

My Dad and I got our start in sailboat racing in 1966 at Fanshawe Lake (London) in an exquisite molded mahogany Nordborg-15. We moved up to international racing in 1967 in the Snipe Class and founded the Oxford Sailing Club on Pittock Lake in Woodstock. Over the next two decades we attended regattas in Ontario, the NY Finger Lakes, Michigan, Ohio, Shediac NB & Cape Breton NS.

hot sailing babe
I been searching since 1967 for the ideal crew...
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(© 2017)
